Get reproducible results and high-quality yields while reducing your hands-on time for nucleic acid purification.
The Thermo Scientific™ KingFisher™ purification instruments feature patented magnetic particle processing technology, which allows them to provide high yields of quality DNA/RNA and protein samples with minimal effort. They provide excellent reproducibility and minimize hands-on time compared to manual methods, so you are free to spend more time focusing on your research.
This note represents how easily bacterial growth is inhibited by the UVC irradiation inside the KingFisher Duo Prime. The deactivation of genomic DNA subjected to UVC irradiation prior to a PCR amplification is also shown.
The Thermo Scientific KingFisher Duo Prime is an automated and flexible DNA, RNA, and protein purification system for low- to medium-throughput labs, delivering higher quality samples with reduced hands-on time compared to manual methods. Leveraging an innovative magnetic bead technology, the purification workflow is now more efficient than ever.
View the features of the Thermo Scientific Kingfisher Duo, a low- to medium-throughput system consisting of the KingFisher Duo magnetic particle processor instrument.