Analyze sugars with this versatile amino propyl phase of Thermo Scientific™ Hypersil™ APS-2 Amino LC Columns.
Analyze sugars with this versatile amino propyl phase of Thermo ScientificTM HypersilTM APS-2 HPLC Columns.
Versatile amino propyl phase with excellent chromatographic properties in three modes: weak anion exchange, reversed phase and normal phase
Column Format: Analytical Column; Carbon Load: 1.9%; Pore Size: 120 Å; Column Phase: Reversed Phase, Normal Phase, Ion Exchange, HILIC
Column Format: Analytical Column; Carbon Load: 1.90%; Pore Size: 120 Å; Column Phase: Reversed Phase, Normal Phase, Ion Exchange, HILIC
10120593 150X2.1MM 5UM HYPERSIL APS-2
10362975 50X4MM 3µM HYPERSIL APS-2
10210625 150X4MM 3µM HYPERSIL APS-2
10784946 100X2.1MM 5µM HYPERSIL APS-2
10024283 250X3MM 5µM HYPERSIL APS-2
10385203 100X4.6MM 3µM HYPERSIL APS-2
10588985 50X3MM 5µM HYPERSIL APS-2
10223743 HPLC COLUMN HYPERSIL CLASSICALanalytical APS-2 50mm x 2.1mm 5µm particle size
Use these guard columns to protect Thermo Scientific™ Hypersil™ APS-2 HPLC Analytical Columns from sample debris and interfering substances.