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Brady™ Polyester Photolum Marking Markers

Brand:  Brady™ 224076

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Product Code. 11741965

  • 18.05 € / Each
Estimated Shipment: 30-01-2025
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ASTM E–2072-00 / ASTM E–2073-00; ASTM E-162; ASTM E-648; ASTM E-662; IMO Resolution A.752 (18); ISO / CD 15370; Marine Safety Committee MSC.27 (61); DIN 67 510 (parts 1-4) and PSPA Standard 002 Part 2. Meets OSHA 1910.37; Lloyd's Register SAS F050294.p
Permanent Acrylic
Exit and directional signs, identification of fire alarms and extinguishers, low location egress pathway markings, and directional systems for escape or evacuations routes
0.049 mm
-40°C to 80°C
Door handle background - Right turn
Photoluminescent on Green
DOORHANDLE Right Turn Photolum 100x250mm
1 Ea.
Polyester long afterglow
255 mm
100 mm
100 x 255 mm
Door Sign
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