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3M™ Nomad™ Terra Heavy Traffic Entrance Matting 8100

Entrance coiled vinyl scraper matting designed for heavy traffic applications. The construction allows dirt and moisture to flow through the matting so it is not retracked into the building. Grease and oil resistant.

Brand:  3M™ Nomad™ 7100116666

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Product Code. 17108720

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  • Unbacked scraper matting designed for high traffic applications
  • High quality vinyl offers excellent crush resistance
  • Unbacked, open construction of the mat allows water to drain and soil to pass through, out of sight
  • Easily vacuum out trapped dirt


910 x 91.4 cm
Nomad™ Terra Dirt Control Mats
Elastic Vinyl
Heavy traffic areas
17 mm
910 cm
91.4 cm
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