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3M™ Nomad™ Ultra Clean Matting 4300

A disposable, dust collecting floor mat that consists of 40 sheets coated with a pressure sensitive adhesive. The high tack surface removes dust and small particles from shoe soles and trolley wheels.

Brand:  3M™ Nomad™ 7100050749

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Product Code. 17138700

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  • Disposable, multi-layered contamination control mat
  • Designed to help protect clean areas where cleanliness and hygiene are critical factors
  • Peel off one layer to expose the next
  • Lay onto any clean surface, no edging or holding frame required
  • Anti-microbial additive stops the growth of micro-organisms
  • Numbered sheets provide control and assists quality assurance audits


115 x 90 cm
Contamination control
Pressure Sensitive Adhesive (PSA)
46 in.
Entrance Mat
90 cm
40 Sheets/Mat, 6 Mats/Cs.
115 cm
36 in.
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Name des Produkts
3M™ Nomad™ Ultra Clean Matting 4300 > 115 x 90 cm, White

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