When carrying out routine performance tests and adjustments on pipettes in the lab, it’s essential to maintain the integrity of the test while being cost and time-efficient. Get reliable results with the use of the OHAUS Explorer Semi-micro Balances and the Pipette Adjustment Kit.
When laboratory work and research requires accuracy to the hundred-thousandth, there is simply no room for error. The Explorer series of semi-micro balances has been designed with the technology to ensure that your very specific weighing results are accurate. Sophisticated laboratories requiring accuracy and looking for innovative technology to obtain measurement results can find both in Explorer semi-micro balances.
The Explorer balances come with the pipetting application in-built as standard, just simply add your pipette information to the balances and dispense up to 30 samples for an instant result.
Get the balance that combines extremely accurate weighing results with intelligent performance. Built for sophisticated, professional weighing, the Ohaus Explorer Semi-Micro Balance has been designed with innovative technology to ensure that your very specific weighing results are accurate.
When pipetting small volumes the effect of evaporation becomes greater, to the point where it can invalidate your results.
Get reliable results with the use of the OHAUS Pipette Adjustment Kit which significantly reduces the rate of evaporation in comparison to using an open beaker. To perform routine tests and adjustments, simply install the kit onto an Explorer Semi-micro balance—no tools needed. A large capacity reservoir (120mL) allows high volume pipettes to be measured, reducing the frequency at which it needs to be emptied. Pipettes as low as 100µL volume can be checked precisely.
When checking your pipettes it's important to ensure you keep a regular log of the results, this can be done via PC or by our SF40A printer.
The SF40A combines high performance and multiple functions to offer OHAUS quality and durability in a portable printer. The SF40A offers advanced functionality in an easy-to-use and set up printer at exceptional value. This versatile printer is ideal for use in conjunction with OHAUS balances and scales in laboratory, industrial and educational applications to ensure accurate documentation of weighing results
Improve your PCR workflow with OHAUS laboratory equipment Accuracy and repeatability of results is key to obtaining fast and reliable PCR results. With nearly 100 years' experience on the market OHAUS is able to support you with state of the art equipment you can trust. Basing our history on our weighing portfolio we have stepped forward and decided to extend our support for laboratories worldwide with a laboratory equipment portfolio including among others Vortexes, Shakers and Centrifuges that are suitable for multiple laboratory applications.
Powerful and versatile universal centrifuge suitable for virtually every laboratory application.
Weighing out your samples and preparing your buffers accurately is critical in any application. That’s why we have the Adventurer balance, striking the ideal balance between inventive features and functional, uncomplicated weighing capabilities.
The Adventurer Balnces incorporates all of the applications necessary for routine weighing and measurement activities. With a color touchscreen, GLP/GMP compliance capabilities, two USB ports, and much more.
Carefully vortex master mix using the OHAUS Digital Mini Vortex Mixer and decant into a sterile reservoir. Using an automatic multichannel pipette, dispense 96 μL of mix into each well of a skirted 96 well Microplate.
During the PCR process you will need to Centrifuge your samples multiple times. The OHAUS FC5714 Centrifuge along with Microplate Rotor is the perfect fit for this. Frontier 5000 Multi-Pro Centrifuges are designed for universal use in multiple applications in research, industrial, and clinical laboratories and can be combined with our range of rotors and accessories for customized use.
For more than a century, the OHAUS name has been synonymous with precision and reliability. Our high-quality balances and scales, laboratory equipment and analytical instruments are designed to meet the evolving needs of a growing range of industries. In addition to supporting the need for precision in every setting, our Ingeniously Practical methodology – demonstrated in all of our products and services – provides tangible benefits that improve accuracy and quality for our customers. At OHAUS, we have an unwavering dedication to four principles that guide the way we conduct business and support our customers: Trust, Agility, Ingenuity and Commitment. That’s the OHAUS Advantage, and it’s the promise we make to our customers every day.