Chemical reagents, kits, and other products used for DNA sequencing; includes sequencing and pre-sequencing kits, purification kits, buffers, standards, etc.
The BigDye™ Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit's robust, highly flexible chemistry is ideal for de novo sequencing, resequencing, and finishing with PCR product, plasmid, fosmid, and BAC templates.
The DNA contained in the preparation has been lyophilized to maximize stability.The two hydrolytic enzymes used in this kit, shrimp alkaline phosphatase and exonuclease I, effectively remove excess dNTPs and primers.
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The MagMAX DNA Multi-Sample Ultra 2.0 Kit is an automatable magnetic bead-based sample preparation technology for the isolation of genomic DNA (gDNA) from 50 μL to 2 mL of whole blood, saliva, buffy coat, and buccal swabs.
Invitrogen™ Collibri™ Library Quantification Kit includes a ready-to-use master mix optimized for Illumina NGS library quantification and a library dilution buffer
VetMAX™ Xeno™ Internal Positive Control (IPC) DNA serves as an internal positive control for the DNA purification process and helps monitor for the presence of PCR inhibitors in animal health molecular detection workflows. This is of particular importance when working with sample types that have a high level of inhibitors such as feces.
The VetMAX™ Xeno™ Internal Positive Control (IPC) - LIZ™ Assay is a primer-probe mix that detects the Xeno internal positive control. The resultant Xeno data is used to determine the validity of diagnostic test results.