Kits, assays, and other testing supplies designed for use in examining various analytes of clinical blood samples and diagnosing a variety of diseases and benign conditions.
Microgen GN-ID A - For the identification of aerobic and facultative anaerobic gram negative bacteria (Enterobacteriaceae and miscellaneous gram negative bacteria).
Microgen Bioproducts GN-ID B - For use as an additional 12 test system for the identification of Miscellaneous Gram negative and oxidase positive bacteria.
Microgen Bioproducts Campylobacter - A rapid latex slide agglutination test for enteropathogenic Campylobacter grown in enrichment broths or on selective plates.
Microgen GN-ID A + B - Combined 30 test system for the identification of aerobic and facultative anaerobic gram negative and oxidase bacteria (Enterobacteriaceae and miscellaneous gram negative bacteria).